Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

I thought about making the title of this post a little more "clever" (meaning: stupid!) but decided not to. Sometimes I get tired of trying to be funny, cute ... "clever" ... and just feel like being boring. This week went fairly well at work. Date changes still aplenty, which means I really have to nail Christmas in terms of schedules. Some of the problem, I found out, was not so much I had it wrong, but the warehouses were overloaded with orders. They couldn't keep up and some orders got pushed out.

Want to go to the casino tomorrow morning but can't. Have orders to look for, and have to send them to one of my coworkers as soon as they come in so they can lock down. Unfortunately I know what I have to look for, so can't have anyone do it for me. I don't mind really. I already know there is nothing on sale at Walmart that I want in terms of Black Friday sales, so I can sleep. But there are things I am looking to get so should save so I can afford them. Sounds like a plan, right?

So many changes going on in my office, it's making my head spin. My supervisor got another position, so he's leaving in a month. I lost my chilled/frozen manager, and got another one. Lost my sales analyst for chilled/frozen, losing my analyst for ice cream, and I didn't apply for any of these spots. Why, you ask? Easy. I love what I do right now. Chilled/Frozen takes care of itself easy enough, so I would be able to give that up. But ice cream? That's a different one. I am still learning the category, so many issues we had this past year with capacity at warehouses, figuring out promos and the like, that I do not yet want to leave it. I want another season with it so I can get it down. This way, when a position opens and I apply (and hopefully get it) I can train the new person properly on it, giving them most of the scenarios that could arise and show them how to handle it. In the meantime, I'm not in a rush to go anywhere.

Had a very quiet Thanksgiving here. Just the three of us. We had a great dinner, and now watching Cars on the Disney Channel. OK, I'M watching it. Ann is sitting here with me but dozing off. Anthony is on the computer. I think I'm missing a decent football game, but this is one of my favorite movies. Try to watch it whenever it's on TV. So, I'm gonna go so I can watch the last 15 minutes. Have a good one!