Wish it would snow! It's been cold the past few days, and I mean COLD compared to what we are used to. The normal temperature is around 50, and we've been lucky to hit 40. There was a "threat" of snow the other day, calling from anywhere from a dusting to 7 inches (nice way to pinpoint it, huh?). We didn't see a flake in my neck of the woods. The way I figure it, Anthony and I should be outside playing basketball in shorts on Christmas Day like we have a couple of times before.
I have also been suffering from daily migraines. I can't figure out if it's something in my neck (a disk issue) or I need new eyeglasses. My suggestion to you is buy stock in Advil, because I'm popping them like candy. Hoping for Christmas to get a neck massager (would try to spell the brand, but can't so won't). Saw it in Sam's for around $25, thought about buying it then, but figured it would be easier for Ann if I told her to buy it for me. Unfortunately it means I have to wait another 3 weeks. Take the good with the bad right?
Christmas is 20 days away. Hard to believe. This year went WAY fast! I have been tempted to start shopping, but then the migraine kicks and keeps me on my buttocks on the couch rather than in the car going to the store to shop. Cold weather not helping either. I moved south to get AWAY from the cold. In NY it's about 15 degrees warmer than it is here. What's wrong with THIS picture? Global warming? Not in Arkansas!
Work has been busy. Had a bad Thanksgiving work-wise. Screwed up my schedule (was looking at the wrong calendar) and put too many orders in with the wrong ship dates. I consider myself very fortunate that they did not take that role away from me for Christmas, and this time I double and triple checked everything. It better be much smoother, or I could be in deep "doo-doo"...ok, deep shit!
Good thing I type fast because the migraine is getting worse. Take care all!