Friday, December 18, 2009

What to call this one...

I have one more week of work until vacation! Hopefully the weather is decent. That's the good news in this blog. I hoped to hit a casino but that doesn't look like it will happen. Why, you ask? Well, my 1998 Sunfire, which I bought in August 2007 and gets 28 mpg, and I love, decided to blow a sensor (I don't remember the "technical term" for it) in the transmission and the PART will cost $1,200. That doesn't include labor. The car is not WORTH $1,200. So, it's time to get a new car. I am hoping to get $500 for mine on a trade-in, and that will cover the down payment. Unfortunately still will have to pay the tax on the car. Therefore, the thought of a casino, playing poker, having a good time is out.