Merry Christmas one and all! Miraculously we had a white Christmas this year, as the snow fell overnight. Storybook huh? It isn't much snow .. maybe about an inch? Just looking outside and my car has no snow on it, the driveway is clean, which means no shoveling. Woohoo! We have a turkey in the oven (wife's idea!).
The day went real well here. Anthony and I got Ann a few tops, slipper socks, a skillet (she asked for it!) and the best present of all (in my mind) an Easy Bake Oven. She laughed, but it isn't open yet. I have a feeling it's going into a closet and not seeing the light of day for awhile.
Anthony got an X-Box 360 with most of the trimmings. We got him the wireless connector so he can play on X-Box Live with his friends over the internet. Oh my God, what a disaster that was. Get this crap!! I have a wireless router in my house, and I know for a fact it reaches every room (have laptop, will travel). Well, I get the game system set up in his room, everything plugged in, it all works. Woohoo! OK, now time to set up the internet connector. I plug in the adapter to the system, it blinks, but does not connect. I found out the disc needs to be in to load the software into the system. Long story short (2 hours later) I call X-Box for help. After 20 minutes on hold, I find out the setting for discs was wrong, I reset it, and it worked. STUPID! A 5-minute deal took over 2 hours. What a dolt I felt like!
For me, I got 2 pair of sweats and the George Carlin book. Also, Ann and I bought ourselves a couple of board games that Anthony gave to us so we can enjoy new games as a family. Overall, a great holiday!
Merry Christmas! Now it's time for VACATION!!