First, I want to put this in writing. 2010 is NOT the start of a new decade!! It is the last year of the CURRENT decade! Phew, got that out of my system. I feel better. Now to just get rid of this headache. A few College Football Bowl games and an outdoor hockey game may help :)
Ann and I went to Downstream last night for a New Years party. I have never driven much distance for a New Years party before, and this was over an hour away. Not my favorite to drive on a holiday where drinking is prevalent. Obviously we made it home with no problems. Anyway, we got to the casino and I went to check in our coats and Ann went to get tickets. Long story short..the party was sold out, but there was a gentleman who had 2 tickets because his friends weren't going to make it, and sold them to Ann. Saved us $10. We had a great time dancing (well, I danced, Ann swayed a little then stood there alot), we played some slots (no poker playing for me, oh well), and I hit $700 on a penny slot machine CHA-CHING!! We celebrated East Coast New Years (used a clock to tell me when), then celebrated with everyone for the Central Time New Years. Balloon drop and everything! But no champagne, which was cool. I had NO alcoholic beverage all night. This is a first in 22 years. But I didn't want to take any chances, knowing the cops were out, idiots were possibly out, and besides, I had 2 drinks the other night haha!
I didn't expect to NOT play that much in the casino, but we didn't. However, when we DID play, I was on fire. Playing a penny machine, and hit it for $700. Someone told me casinos pay well on NYE. They were right! Ended the night up a mortgage payment.
Overall, a great New Years, and one that both Ann and I deserved. We have been out once since Anthony was born, and that was to a friend's house. Anthony stayed home as none of his friends were doing anything, and having him invite a friend over wouldn't have gone over well with the friend's parents. He actually stayed up until 1:45am. I have a feeling tonight will be a real early bedtime for all of us, as Ann and I didn't get home until after 2am.
Well, that's about it for now. Going to enjoy the remainder of my "vacation" and then back to work on Monday under a new nose. Time to update the resume?