Monday, January 25, 2010

Last Monday in January...

Not much to report. Last week went as well as can be expected. The weekend was fairly quiet. Had some "excitement" with the new X-Box (couldn't download anything, turned out to be their server) but everything is good. Anthony went to a school dance Saturday night. He had a great time, danced alot.

Right now I am counting down the days until I become a poker dealer. OK it's only for a day, but I am so looking forward to it. Friday night I have to go for a meeting and then Saturday at 11am, in my black pants and white button down shirt, I will be getting my table ready and greeting players for a 12pm start. LET'S SHUFFLE UP AND DEAL!

I am in dire need of a day off. Yeah, yeah, I was on "vacation" a few weeks ago. Some vacation! I monitored emails constantly, even had to take care of some business, because there is nobody in the office who knows everything I do. The good news is, the "bulk" of the stuff only I know how to do is going away. My company sold the chilled business to another company, so by May 1st, I will not have to deal with it anymore. YESSSSS! (too many S's? oh well!). It will also be ice cream season, so I guess a day off will have to wait until ... umm ... October? Hopefully I can get a hold of the promo calendar for 2010 and plan accordingly. Will keep you posted...