And it's snowing! It's been snowing all day. So far Anthony and I have shoveled the driveway twice, and it feels like being a kid again. Except this time I was my mother and my son was me. I remember when it would snow in New York when I was a kid, Mom would not let the snow pile up on the driveway. The best part is, I didn't hurt my back. I almost did with the first pass, but got smart and stopped before I did.
Saw a gentleman the other day who I haven't seen in a few months. It was great to see him again. He was my boss..he was also a mentor and someone I call a friend. He was in the office for only a few minutes, and when I saw him he was standing with one of the bigger bosses of my office. Now, under normal circumstances I would not even entertain the notion of interrupting my bosses, but this time I had to say hello before I lost the chance. It made my day. Hell, it made my week!
The poker tournament I am dealing in has been postponed until next week. Due to the road conditions, it's better.
Other than that, all is quiet. Hoping for a good weekend!