Monday, January 18, 2010

Monday blues .. and other colors of the rainbow

Hello one and all (ok, so right now I have but one published follower)and welcome to another tear inducing episodic blog of "Beware of the Sting" brought to you by yours truly, ME! It's been a roller coaster ride of a day. It actually started yesterday. I went out to start my car (ok, truck! -- 2003 Chevrolet Blazer). I started it, warmed it up for a couple of minutes, then took off down the street to go to Walmart for my weekly grocery shopping. I got two driveways and my car became a festival of lights. Every light in my car flashed, every needle bounced around, and I was hearing a loud whistling sound. I know immediately there is a problem with my alternator. I had a 2001 Blazer and it had the same problem. So, I park it, and the rest of the day I am wondering how I am going to come up with about $1,200 for a new alternator. Add to that I have yet to register the car (and pay the sales tax), and have my insurance due at the start of February. This ought to be good. I spent part of the day yesterday rehearsing what I was going to say to Fidelity to get money from my 401k.

This morning, managed to putt putt the car to the dealer, told him what happened, told him it was probably the alternator and he agreed. Oh boy! Then, got home and started working (it IS a holiday, right?). Luckily nothing crazy today. Afternoon has been rather quiet. Well, car was still in the shop, so drove Ann to work. Then, got the call. It was only the battery, and the bill wasn't $1,200. WOOHOO! So, when Ann gets done with work, I'll go pick her up, then we'll go get my truck and figure out what to do for dinner. How does Johnny Brusco sound??