Saturday, February 20, 2010

Happy Saturday

It's 12:15pm CST and I have been sitting in my office for the past 4 1/2 hours. Why? Partially because I'm stupid, but mostly because I'm too damned dedicated to my job. I think I have told you before, but I work on the Ice Cream team. Well, there are orders that have to be processed and worked on so they fit on trucks, and there are currently 65 orders in our system. I have to go through them, make sure the orders are right, make sure they can all fit on the truck, and make the trucks full. So here I sit. Saturday is an easy day to do it because I get very few orders and I can get alot done with nobody in the office. Internet radio is blasting, I'm singing along, and why oh WHY did I drink that pot of coffee?? Have to get up and pee every 20 minutes (meaning another 8 minutes before next trip).

Got a note from Anthony's english teacher that he is not doing well this quarter. I don't want these emails. He doesn't WANT me getting those emails. Last weekend he was grounded, and this week I've been all over him to make sure he's doing everything and studying and reading and all that crap, and why are there so many "and's" in this sentence? Oh hell. Too lazy to backspace.

Read on Facebook that my cousin and her husband lost a child yesterday. He was 2 months old. I know all too well how they feel, losing 2 of my own. All I can do is hope they get through this without wrecking their own relationship. They only got married a year ago.

Well, that's about it for now. Have a great weekend. And remember to go out into the streets tomorrow and dance in the rain like you mean it!