It's an early Sunday morning. Actually, it's Valentine's Day! It's also Day 2 of the Olympics and today is the Daytona 500. Wow! Divorce rates are going up tomorrow. I took the high road, and took Ann out on Wednesday night. We went to the Olive Garden, just the two of us, and had a wonderful dinner together. We have tried going out on V Day in the past, and wanna know the secret to that one? Eat BEFORE you go to dinner. This way, after standing waiting for 2 hours to get a table, you're not ready to eat the napkins and tablecloths when you DO get to the table. But we went on Wednesday, and it was perfect. Plus, we have been married 17 years next month, and I do not need a holiday to tell my wife how I feel about her. I bring her flowers when the moment strikes, and it definitely strikes more than once per year. We have Hershey bars in the house, so there is no reason to buy a box of chocolates that she will not eat many of, and half of them she won't like anyway. Yeah, yeah. I'm not romantic, blah blah blah. She loves me anyway, although I can't figure out why!
Yesterday went into the office for a few hours to take care of some of my promotional business. There was nobody there (it was a Saturday, of course nobody was there!), so I made a pot of coffee, and brought the pot and all the fixin's to my desk. Also, cranked up the internet radio so I could hear it if I had to get up. Got everything I could get done, well, done. This week is going to be very rough though, because I have meetings on Tuesday and will be out of the office all day Wednesday for a training class.
In a couple of weeks I will be switching categories, which I am looking forward to. I have been on the C/F desk for 2 years, and it's become very routine for me. I am trading with someone so they get C/F and I get MST. That will be a whole new adventure for me, and the only category I haven't worked on yet. I also get to keep IC, which was my request, as there are some things I need to iron out so that when I am ready to pass it on, the transition will go smoothly. I feel bad for my CFR though. She wants to switch categories, but was overlooked on the last one. I told her she can't leave least not this season. Hopefully next season will bring her better news.
As I type this, everyone else in the house is still asleep, and I'm watching Fairly Oddparents. Not much on before 8 am *sad face*. The Olympics coverage doesn't start until noon CST, and Daytona coverage starts at 11am (the race won't start until 12:15 or later though), so I will have time to go grocery shopping and take care of a couple of things around the house before I end up taking a nap. Should have done that yesterday. Fell asleep last night before 10pm. Not used to being asleep that early, PLUS I missed most of last night's luge competition.
Speaking of that, did any of you see the deadly crash by the young Georgia athlete? That was awful. They say it was "athlete error" which is bullshit in my opinion. The IOC knows there are luge athletes that are not as experienced as the others, the "non-elite", yet the course was set up for the "very best of the best" which in my opinion doesn't seem right. My heart goes out to his family and friends on their loss.
Oh, one more thing. Our garage is fixed!! The opener burned out a few months ago, and we have had to manually open and close it. Not so bad, but the past couple of months, it got stuck half way and someone has to pull the cord, which is tough when there is a car in the garage already or you are alone, and it's hard to reach for us short folk. On Wednesday, we had it installed, and it's B-E-A-utiful!
Well, it's almost 8:00, and I have to get the grocery list ready. Have a great day!