Friday, July 30, 2010

Another Friday post...

Still dealing with the demons. Not as bad as they were last week, which is good, but still there. This week some of them are "all new", like the summer season on TV. Others are the same crap as usual, just louder than normal. Was confronted about it today by a co-worker, who wondered why I've been so distant and quiet lately. Told her am dealing with alot of shit and don't want anyone getting hurt. Guess they were hurt enough by me being distant, but trust me when I say it could be MUCH worse!

Anthony finished summer school 2 days early (it was only 2 weeks to begin with) and passed both classes. Woohoo, I have a sophmore in my house! Unfortunately because his GPA isn't high enough, he will not be able to compete on the Cross Country team this season. Hopefully, though, he will get the grades up so he can compete with the Track team in the spring. In the meantime, focus grasshopper!

Fucking demons running through again. Been trying to block them out, I think it's starting to affect me physically. My chest has been tight, pains in my shoulders, legs feeling a bit "woozy" sometimes while I walk (short distances at that), and I've been VERY tired the last few nights. Wife not crazy about that last part. Oh well, I need that extra 3 minutes of sleep. Will buy her a toy if she needs it that bad.

Have not spoken "personal" to anyone in 2 weeks, and I think that is how it is going to be for awhile. If I can't get rid of what's going on in my head, I may need to look for additional assistance in removing them.

Friday, July 23, 2010

What's in a title...

The same that's in my head. Much of nothing. It's Friday folks! That means the weekend is but a few short hours away. I am at work, listening to Pandora, catching up on reports, sending out a few new ones. Orders are in, desk is clean, and I have 6 more hours to kill. Anthony is in summer school (2 weeks, end of the first today) and I have to pick him up at 4:30. Ann is working tonight and tomorrow PM. It's too hot to do much of anything. Will probably be a weekend of no teeth, no pants, and a lot of X-Box. Too much information? Hey, you're the one that's reading!

Been dealing with a few personal demons lately. Nothing bad. I'm not on drugs or anything like that. I have actually never done an illegal drug in my life, and don't plan on starting now. Just dealing with a lot of shit in my head that doesn't want to seem to leave me the fuck alone. And what makes it worse is that people I work with fell back into the same shit routine they were in when I started and didn't have the greatest attitude. They think I'm angry at them, or at work, so they don't even look at me. People, GROW UP! You want to say we are "friends"? ASK A FRIEND HOW THEY ARE DOING!!

Did a small presentation on communication yesterday at work. It went OK in my opinion. I think it would have gone better if I wasn't working without a net. I wrote down highlights of what I wanted to discuss, then talked off the top of my head (no, not out of my ass like normal .. this was business!). I also could have gone MUCH longer, but we were limited on time. Hopefully I can do that more often on various things. I enjoyed it, and next time I will be much better prepared.

Well, enjoy the heat!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Sunny Saturday...

And let's hope it stays that way. Weather has been crazy around here lately. Listen to the weathermen, they say "20% chance of scattered showers" and you get a wonderful thunderstorm that dumps over 2 inches of rain on your head. In less than an hour! Then the sun comes out. It's been said "if you don't like the weather in Arkansas, wait 20 minutes, it will change." So true!

Going to the Naturals game tonight with my company. We are a sponsor and we got a group deal for tonight. Free tickets, free parking, T-shirts, and tailgaiting before the game. Also, the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders are going to be there. Charging the digital camera battery.

Work has been fine. Keeping busy. Some changes taking place, others coming. Will wait and see. All I know is to keep doing what I'm doing, and do a little bit more. Trying to learn what I can, when I can, but it isn't easy. Some that I could be sitting with are incapable of training me, as they are not very familiar with the system yet, and others are ... well, let's say uncooperative.

They say go with your first instincts. Well, I gave my second instincts a chance, and guess what? I was right the first time. Explains quite a few things in my office, and I'm just very glad I am not the only one who sees it.


Thursday, July 8, 2010

Been awhile...

What can I tell you. I've been busy working, playing Modern Warfare 2, trying to keep my mind off playing live poker because of a lack of bankroll currently. That's what happens when you have to pay $3,000 for new teeth. Then the dog needed minor surgery that was $400. Now, Anthony's bottom wisdom teeth are growing in sideways and they need to be "surgically removed". I don't even know if I still have enough dental coverage for it this year. Right now they are not bothering him, so I'm putting it off. Family vacation appears to be out this year, as Anthony is going to summer school for 2 weeks. That was more money that I forgot I had. Good thing, too, because it's gone!

Other than that, everything is fairly quiet. Had a nice 4th. Went to the ballgame, watched the Naturals win, then they had a spectacular fireworks display. Got home around 10, and fell asleep to the noise of the neighbors trying to blow the town up. Good times!

Don't miss Facebook! Wife still enjoys it. She has family and friends. I don't. Nice and easy!