Saturday, September 11, 2010

Still haven't forgotten

Today marks the 9 year anniversary of 9-11-2001 and the terrible terrorist attack in New York and Washington. I am in Arkansas now, far away from where I was then. This morning I was watching TV, and flipped on MSNBC just to see what coverage they had on the tragedy from 9 years ago. They are showing the actual footage of their coverage of that fateful morning. These are reports and images I had not seen, as I was at work and TV was not available. We only had radio.

Thank you President Obama for pulling our troops out of Afghanistan, for putting an end to our part in the war in that country. Please, however, do not be fooled that this is over. They will not rest until they complete what they set out to do, and after reports of EIGHT planes that were originally unaccounted for on 9-11-2001, and only 4 landed with what we know were terrorists, we have to ask...where did the other four end up?