Where do I start? Well, we went to the Naturals game on Saturday. I was really excited too, because they had the chance to clinch the 2nd half title (they already won the 1st half), but they lost. Beautiful day though. Sunday I did my shopping and laundry (yes, I'm that wonderful a person .. ha ha), and played some X-Box. During this "downtime" my wife mentioned about going to the Naturals game on Monday. It was a day game (1pm start) and the weather was going to be good, so I went online and bought tickets.
Monday comes and we go to the game. We were in our seats about 4 seconds before someone from the Naturals staff comes over and asks us if we would like to "upgrade" our seats. Mind you, the stadium holds roughly 6,000 people and EVERY seat is good! But they got excited, so we moved. The catch was be in the seats during the 6th inning so we could be announced and put on the jumbotron. OK, cool. Move me to the other side of the stadium, so if I want to have a cigarette, I have to walk 6x as far as I did originally. Anyway...Monday is also Baseball Bingo. What they do is with each home team batter (except the DH), whatever they hit corresponds to a bingo number. Get bingo and you win. Well, we needed 0-65, and the batter that was up needed to fly out. I told my son "he hits a fly out you run. WAIT! Take the bingo card with you." Sure enough, the batter swings, and as soon as the ball goes up in the air, my son is up waiting for the card. We got bingo, and we won. I made the mistake of sending him up for the prize. He had a choice. Tickets to tonight's playoff game 1, movie tickets, or a "goodie bag". He was afraid to choose the tickets to the game, because dammit, I was there twice this week and I was tired! Long story short, he took the tickets. Sooooooo, we are going to the game again tonight (weather permitting). I am beginning to dislike the town they play in!