Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 3...

...of quitting smoking. The first 2 days weren't that bad. Today is going a little rougher. Per instructions, I started cutting back on my daily intake of nicotine. Sunday was 20, Monday 17, today is 14. I could go through those by noon if I gave in to the cravings I am having. However, I am trying to space it out much better so that I have them for the day. Tomorrow I start taking 2 pills a day so hopefully the medication is building up better by then so I won't have such cravings. Will see what happens.

Otherwise, I'm in one of my who gives a fuck moods. Could be the medication, could be I just don't give a shit today. Also have a feeling I'm going to have more of those days than normal in the near future. Why? You really wanna know? Because for awhile I've busted my ass trying to make things right, and no matter what I do, or what I say, it doesn't make a fucking difference. Things will not come to those who wait, because some people have memories like elephants and refuse to look at the here and now. Which means they are too fucking stupid to get over themselves! So, I keep doing what I do best, and fuck it all.

Next month is 20 years that my wife and I have been together. Crazy huh? Hopefully the spots on my lungs are nothing and we get another 20 years together. Not counting on it though.