Thursday, February 3, 2011

Random s*%@

Made it in to work today. The roads suck. Did 10-15 mph most of the way here, had the truck in 4wd, and fishtailed twice. Go figure. Still, made it safe. Glad for that. Tonight, on the way home, will stop at Walmart to take my blood pressure. Hopefully they are not crowded (yeah, right!).

Ever have a friendship that went "kaplooey" and there is no chance in hell of getting it back? I have. Many times. Some the other has caused, some I have. Can't live with regrets, right?

Word is we will be travelling in the next couple of months for work. Going to the same place we went last year for the conference. Hopefully we have some "free time" to do whatever we want. The place (I can't remember the name and don't feel like looking for it) is gorgeous. This year, though, I plan to just stay quiet and on my own. Last year was decent, but I was not close to anyone and I think I tried too hard. This year I'm still not that close to anyone, so I'm just going to do what I'm supposed to do and then be on my own.

Damn, new pain in my chest/shoulder. Good thing for the x-ray tomorrow.