Wednesday, April 13, 2011

...and it continues...

Someone said to me today that they haven't read my blog in a short while. I told them it's no big deal, because I haven't blogged in awhile. Work has been nothing short of a nightmare for the entire team I am a part of. I will not go into details, but there definitely has to be an improved way of working for us all, which includes getting way too many people involved in everyone's business and more communication than we have going on right now. A new salesman wouldn't be a bad idea either ... one that nods his head after you explain the same shit to him over and over for 20 minutes, only to ask the same question the next day. Not because he doesn't remember what you told him the day before, but because (A) he doesn't like the answer you gave him -or- (B) he's testing us to see if we GIVE the same answer as yesterday -or- (C) he IS that stupid!

We had our annual GtM meeting today. Wow! We used to travel for this, but the past few years we've taken advantage of the internet. It saves a lot of money, and makes a lot of sense. No point in paying for employees from all over the U.S. and surrounding countries to go to Connecticut for one night (two tops). There's not much point. Plus, in my role, I get to work while the meeting is going on, so I do not ignore the customer with a lame excuse of "I have a meeting, you will have to wait." This excuse works if someone else is covering, and they don't have to wait. I don't care who the customer is, either. One request, no waiting. Wish everything was like that, but it isn't.

OK, soap box time. I am SOOOOO tired of people that "take advantage" because the company is "flexible" or they only need to put in so many hours, then the company owes them. Guess what? I learned something before (A) you were born -or- (B) you became too high and mighty on yourself and think you're all that and a bag of chips (which by the way, you're not even CLOSE to!) -- we are salaried. By being salaried, yes, the company allows us the opportunity to leave early one day as long as work is completed and/or covered. We do not lose pay for this. We do not get penalized for this. However, we are also expected to work additional hours when the work is not completed/covered. This does not mean I can come to work whenever I want, take as long a lunch as I want, THEN try to cry saying how late I work. There are 2 ways you get away with that. (1) Who are you fucking?! (2) Your boss is a fucking idiot. Well, I know your boss, and he isn't. And you are expendable (my personal opinion).

Finally got to mow my back lawn tonight.Waited WAY too long. It wasn't as bad as it used to be when I'd wait, but damn if it wasn't still very wet underneath. I flattened it more than cut it. That's OK though. Gotta start somewhere. Next time we get a good 2-3 day stretch of no rain, I'll mow again and will heal the lawn.

That's about it. Hope you enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed venting. 53 days without smoking. Start collecting for bail, I'm off the pills.