Thursday, April 14, 2011

Bad morning...

Thinking about things, not aimed at anyone in particular I will name here. It makes me laugh, how people complain if they actually have to work. They have a life. Guess what? Who the fuck cares?!? I sure as shit don't. You think the world owes you a life? You think where you work owes you a fucking life?? The higher you go, the less you are willing to do, then you fucking cry about it, or take your sweet time doing it, because you've "been here awhile and the company owes something to you". Kiss my ass, all of you. I'm sorry you're the ones that spent all that time working your way up and got there, so now you think you don't have to do it anymore, or as fast, not caring a shit about the ones you are servicing. I am sorry you are the one that went to school and spent all that money so you could move up in the company and do less, while making it look like you're the top banana in the fucking world. I am so fucking sick of it all. Yet, there isn't anything I can do about it, right?

Think again...