Friday, September 2, 2011
Boredom has set in WAY too early!
It's 10am CDT! TEN OF THE CLOCK! IN THE MORNING!! Going to be a very quiet day at work. There are (I think) 6 of us outside of marketing on my floor. We are having an "environmental sustainability" day, basically meaning you have permission to work from home today to save on CO2 emissions from your vehicles. OK, so while the power in the building is still going, now we will have the opportunity for people to use the power in their homes that they would not normally use because they are at the office. Does that work?? All I know is I am not able to work from home for a full day very easily because (1) no comfortable chair (2) kids screaming like someone is murdering them for 2 hours (3) wife will be there at some point. I will probably leave earlier than usual today and hook up at the house, but it won't have to be a full day thing, so my back is greatful/grateful (sp?).