Sunday, September 25, 2011

Not a sunny Sunday so far...

The clouds are still hovering around. The early football games are on, and my team is losing 7-0 middle of the 1st quarter. Yesterday, Arkansas got their asses handed to them by Alabama. They looked like SHIT! It was a disgrace being a Hog fan and watching that game. I was trying to figure out which elementary school Petrino went to for his players, because they just didn't look like the 3-0 team that started out the season. Now granted, I know that Alabama has a great team, but come on! It looked a lot like we didn't care, and just wanted out.

Project at work is "almost done". I say that because next weekend I will be working ... on Saturday night ... until late! And Sunday ... early! After that, though, we should be running in the new system, but then it's a 6-week follow up with my co-workers to make sure they are not having any issues, that everything is working and they can access all of the screens they need, stuff like that. Here is the really sad part. While granted, I know there are many MANY people that have worked on this project more than me, deeper than me, longer than me, it would still be nice to know the ones that have been running the tests, teaching the courses, would be getting something. Don't think we will though. Ah well, such is life.

UPDATE 8:35pm CDT -- I had an altercation this afternoon with a sledgehammer, and the sledgehammer won 3-0. I now have 3 staples in my head due to my supreme ass stupidity. You see, I have a white picket fence around my yard that I want to get rid of. I have all of the tools to do it (a crowbar, a sledgehammer, and a regular hammer) and the tools I was not using I was hanging on the 6-foot fence that surrounds my back yard. Well, I was hitting a slat of fence out and the sledgehammer came loose because of the vibrations. It landed on the back of my head, and left me a wonderful gash (my wife has pictures on her cell phone). I immediately put my hand over the injury and ran in the house to get the attention of my wife. When we discovered I was bleeding (quite badly at the start), we got a towel, placed as much pressure on the wound as possible and made it to the hospital in 11 minutes. Thankfully I do not appear to have a concussion (there are no symptoms), I did not black out at any point. I do, however, have 3 staples in my head. They fucking HURT! I took a couple of pain pills that will hopefully help me sleep tonight. Tomorrow will bring new adventures I'm sure. I was able to communicate this information to my bosses at work, so they are aware. I hope this doesn't hurt this bad tomorrow!