Tuesday, October 4, 2011

So very tired...

I've now worked 9 days straight, and have 3 more to go. I still have a lot to do too. Hopefully this week runs smoother and next week is easier. I can definitely see a day off (before my mini vacation in November) in my very near future.

Tomorrow I say goodbye to one of very few people in this world I would consider a friend. She and her husband are venturing away to start a new life in a new state. They are taking their daughter and baby-to-be with them. I am going to miss her, and her family (even though I don't see them often).

A frozen condom?? Oh! My! God! I have to stop watching Jerry Springer! The stories are getting stranger as we go. I do believe I can now die, as I have heard just about everything! Apparently, it was a USED frozen condom!