And again, here I sit. Watching the NY Islanders (hockey) play the SJ Sharks. Ann and I were invited to a party tonight, but I respectfully declined. There is someone at work who says we are friends, that he likes me. I appreciate that. He's a nice person. However, he does not realize my friends are very limited, and he is not currently on the list. One of these days, he will see how often I decline any (and probably all) invitations he extends and get the idea. Until then, I just continue to be myself.
Heard from my TRUE friend the other day. Started with good news. Very good news actually. Then hit with bad news. I will not go into it, this is not the place. I sent her a message back letting her and her family know how I felt and offered myself up if needed. Like the saying goes: "Been there done that" and we have. Well, that's enough about that.
Played some poker today. Also did some work. Should have continued work and skipped poker, but didn't feel like it. It's the weekend. Next week going to be busy, but I'll get through it. Have before.