Saturday, October 8, 2011

I promised I wouldn't cry...

Then I had a double shot of Jack and a large beer. Afterwards, I had another double shot of Jack and a large beer. Now, in my defense, I DID text my wife as soon as I got there warning her she would be picking me up. And she did. I did not drive! However, I did shed a couple of tears against my will. And I sounded like a stroke victim (I slurred EVERY word at that ponit!). And I got sick on the way home. Stupid loaded nachos. So good, but damn if they didn't hurt my throat on the way back up. Two days later, still hurts. That's my excuse because I do not get sick.

Missed playing poker this morning because of some tests that need to be run in our new work system. They were supposed to be online by 9am, it's now 11:30am and I'm still waiting! This project is really beginning to piss me off. They'd better not try to bother me tonight!