Wednesday, November 30, 2011

November's over...

But my cold has just begun. I hate being sick. I remember when I didn't get sick. I also wasn't 165 lbs. Right now I'm watching Last Man Standing on my DVR. This show is TOO funny! Makes it difficult to type. Also, my laptop is starting to not work well. The S and X keys are not always responsive. If a word comes out really wierd, try adding one of those letters somewhere. You'll make the word out.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Saturday night...

And here I sit. It's 9:49pm CST and my wife and I are sitting watching a movie on Netflix. It's called Net Games. Pretty good movie actually. Before that we watched Legendary. It's a WWE movie. Pretty good too.

Tomorrow is Sunday, and that means it's workout day! The original plan was to go today but I went to play poker instead. I had thought I'd be home early, but wound up not getting home until almost 2:30. So, we moved it out a day. Actually feeling pretty good after the workout the other day, which is surprising.

And now it's late, I sit watching a movie, and will see what happens afterwards. Have a great night.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy (almost) Thanksgiving!

And with that ... workouts SUCK! I am really trying to get into some kind of shape (hell, ANY shape other than round!). Yesterday after work, I called Anthony and told him to be ready. I know that if I sit down when I get home, it's over. So, to motivate myself, I never sat down. Well, it's been 27 hours since the workout has ended, and my upper body is sore. I worked shoulders, arms and chest. Here's where it gets worse. They say the true soreness comes 24-48 hours after the workout. I do not want to wake up tomorrow in pain! I am also still waiting for the pain in my leg to go away. I have a knot above my knee that Advil is not helping. Maybe some more Icy Hot will do the trick.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Twenty five years

This marks the last time I was in a gym. It was high school, and I had no choice. Phys Ed was required. Being in shape, however, was not! Which was good, because I wasn't. In 42 years, I don't think I've ever been in shape. So, what did I do? I told you I joined a gym. Today Anthony and I went. I thought we would be there about 20 minutes. We stayed 1 1/2 hours. We did the stepmaster, worked our arms, chest, abs and back. I am going to feel BAD in the morning, this I am sure of. Right now, I feel ok.

Other than that, everything is good! Missing my friends though.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Way too early...

Anthony has a school function today and has to report to the bus at 6:45am so we are all awake already. Now ... I could take advantage of this by driving him to the school and then going to the gym. Yes, I said the gym. I joined a gym. What am I, NUTS?!? Actually, it's about that time. I need to do something. Now I just hope it doesn't kill me.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


First, happy birthday to my dad in heaven. Gone 24 years, and I still miss him terribly.

Second, went to the doctor this morning. Blood pressure 128/80, the measured lowest it's been in months. Oxygen level in blood is 96%. They say 95+ is fine. The spots on my lungs are shrinking. This means they are calcifying so they are benign.

What does this all mean? I'm going to live. Sorry y'all!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Well, being besides Wednesday, it's my doctor appointment. I had my chest x-ray yesterday and tomorrow I get the results. I tell people that I hope the doctor finds something. It would explain why I have a hard time breathing. I mean it, but I don't. Will find out tomorrow, will post tomorrow evening.

Monday, November 7, 2011

The bed shook...

It was a friggin' earthquake y'all!! Saturday night, Ann and I went to bed around 10:45pm or so. We knew the clock was to be turned back an hour, but we were still kinda tired *wink*. Eight minutes later, the bed was shaking. It lasted about 10 seconds, not much more. We did not realize what it was until second 9! It registered 5.6 and the epicenter was in Stillwater OK. I don't know how far away that is, nor do I care! However, they felt it for a full minute.

There were 3 the night before (between 2 and 3am I believe) but we did not feel it. Probably because we were sleeping. Felt the one Saturday night though!!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

And now back to normal...

My vacation ended. I am happy to report that I never even opened my laptop bag (the one that holds my WORK laptop!) during my time off. Today, however, I worked. I had to clear out my emails, check late trucks and pull reports. Then had to write ice cream orders. Once again, happy to report it's all done.

Played poker again for the 3rd morning in a row. Actually cashed today! Was lucky as hell. Was short stacked (had 7,900 in chips and the blinds were 2,000/4,000), so went all in blind (didn't look at cards). Had Jh 8h and caught trips on the flop to triple up. Wound up finishing 3rd, and ended up winning money for the weekend when all was said and done. Happy Birthday to me HAHAHA!

Tonight, watching the AR/SC football game as well as the AL/LSU football game. Arkansas is winning by 10 at the half (unusual for them), and there is no score in the 2nd quarter in the other game. Some called a low scoring game, I said no. Figuring on a 60+ point total. Oops! LOL!

I am missing my friends something fierce. They know I am thinking of them! They don't know how much though!

Friday, November 4, 2011

So it's my birthday...

Big deal! I went to play poker this morning, and a couple of people knew it was my birthday. Well, then it came out at the table, and they asked me how old I was. When I told them I was 42, the 2 words I heard were "That's it?!?" Yep, this is why I don't tell anyone. I look much older than I am, so the two words I hear are not the words you should here on that day.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Yes, folks, I am taking time off from work. Partially because I am burned out. Partially because I want the rest. Mostly because work told me I can't cancel my time off. LOL! This is the truth, I dislike taking time off. I prefer to be working. But I am seriously in need of "mental health". I am fortunate that I was able to train a co-worker (someone fairly new) to cover my business, and I have trust and faith in this person that she will do a good job. She knows to call me if something blows up and she can't get help on it at the office.

So now, the question is what to do with my time off. The weather is horrible today, so working on the yard is out. Everyone else in the house has work or school, so it will be fairly quiet. There are multiple casino's not that far away. YES! Heehee!