My vacation ended. I am happy to report that I never even opened my laptop bag (the one that holds my WORK laptop!) during my time off. Today, however, I worked. I had to clear out my emails, check late trucks and pull reports. Then had to write ice cream orders. Once again, happy to report it's all done.
Played poker again for the 3rd morning in a row. Actually cashed today! Was lucky as hell. Was short stacked (had 7,900 in chips and the blinds were 2,000/4,000), so went all in blind (didn't look at cards). Had Jh 8h and caught trips on the flop to triple up. Wound up finishing 3rd, and ended up winning money for the weekend when all was said and done. Happy Birthday to me HAHAHA!
Tonight, watching the AR/SC football game as well as the AL/LSU football game. Arkansas is winning by 10 at the half (unusual for them), and there is no score in the 2nd quarter in the other game. Some called a low scoring game, I said no. Figuring on a 60+ point total. Oops! LOL!
I am missing my friends something fierce. They know I am thinking of them! They don't know how much though!