Wednesday, December 28, 2011

That time of year...

You know, I had a topic in mind to start today, but then I had to come up with a "title" for this monstrosity (sp? oh, who the hell cares!). There really is no rhyme or reason for the titles of my post, but I'm really getting tired of coming up with them. I would date it, but the date appears below it (or above it, it's there somewhere!). Ah well.

So the Christmas holiday has come and gone. It was very quiet in the house this year. Anthony is getting more and more difficult to shop for. He's at the age of either games for the X-Box or clothing. Games are expensive, and clothes are boring. YAY! Ann got some sweaters and pajamas. Very exciting. I got socks and sweats, both I need. Also she bought me a new chain but I've gained so much weight it doesn't fit around my neck. Have to return it and get a longer one.

Now I'm on vacation. There isn't much money for anything, so poker is out this week. I could go Saturday, which is New Year's Eve. Unfortunately Ann's payday is Monday and she lost 2+ days of work being ill. We are also trying to figure out if we are going to go anywhere for NYE. Most likely we will do nothing. We are boring!

At least I have Netflix and my own X-Box to keep me occupied.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Almost a merry...

Still a couple of days to go. However, there is only 1 more day until I am on "vacation" as it is well known. I will be online Saturday through Monday, then leave my laptop on so emails that need to get forwarded will automatically be sent.

Work has been WAY too quiet this week. It's getting to a point that I am going to log in to Netflix tomorrow and watch a movie while I work.

Missing those that are not with me in Arkansas this year, when I would like them to be.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Sunday Sunday Sunday

Not sure exactly what the hell that means. It's early (before 8am). I have been awake for over an hour. Wife woke up not too long ago, which makes the house real loud immediately. It's amazing. Doesn't matter what she does OUTSIDE the bedroom, it's all loud. Other room? Yeah. Must be me. One of these days maybe I'll learn what to do .

Last night was the team Christmas party from work. I wasn't able to make it. I truly appreciate the fact that the managers do this, they open up one of their homes to allow us in and have a great time. I went last year (Ann wasn't able to go, she was sick) and had a great time. Then again. last year people that I actually liked went. This year, the co-workers are more "clicky" than ever, and the ones that I would have enjoyed hanging out with are either no longer with the company or weren't going. Being the boss "knows how I am" he probably won't say much.

Next week is Christmas. Then my vacation! Woohoo!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Great dinner...

Met with an old (me) and dear (her) friend last night for dinner with another from work. Had a great time. Thank you again so very much for picking it up. It was greatly appreciated, and so fantastically wonderful seeing you again.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Well hello there...

Yes, it's been a few days. Been doing various things, none of which I should be doing. I've been sleeping too much, eating things that should not be part of my diet, and not going to the gym. This past Saturday, I played poker and shouldn't have. Lasted 2 hands and lost. It was a rebuy tournament, which means I could have bought back in, but I decided not to. Instead, I came home, made my grocery list and went shopping.

It's a fairly quiet week at work this week, which is good. It means I can continue to train my new partner and get her used to the perishable business. I am also looking very forward to next year, and all of the potential new items. Please note there is MUCH sarcasm in that last sentence. Actually, I hate being as slow as I am currently, but with a partner it actually makes it tolerable. She's learing fast, and soaking in the information like a sponge. It's great! I owe a lot to my former boss for seeing the potential in her, and knowing that she and I would work well together...especially when I work much better alone more often than not.

Christmas is in 13 days! That means my vacation is in 15 days. I have a 10-day weekend and only have to use 4 days. Thank you weekends and holidays. Actually, will be online both Monday's just to clear a couple of reports, but that's ok because I'm not on vacation those days ! Soooooo, I can't get in trouble !

Hoping 2012 will end up being a better year than 2011. Will see what happens.

Monday, December 5, 2011


Past few days have been fairly quiet for me. Then again, I've been fighting off what the doctor is calling a sinus infection. I've been on medication since Thursday, but can't seem to shake the cough. It's like a tickle in my chest. It's been quieter than the past couple of days, but not fully gone yet.

Had a good laugh at work today. In order for you to laugh with me, we have to go back about 3 weeks or so. Someone at work (a temp) decided he was a racecar driver, and while I was backing out of my spot (and thankfully, my co-worker, who I left with wasn't backing out), he decided to not bother stopping and cut me. I caught a glimpse of the license plate, but had a real good idea of who it was. The next day, in the office, I confronted him about it ... in front of others. When I confronted him about it, he laughed and tried to make a joke out of it, totally ignoring the fact that someone could have been hurt, including a pregnant woman! I told him if he thinks it's a joke, to keep laughing, and I'll make sure he doesn't cut anyone off anymore. That I will slash all of his fucking tires. That's pretty much how I put it too.

Well, apparently the "f" word offended someone, because they called Human Resources on me and put in a complaint. Now ... me cursing is not uncommon. However, I have been MORE than good the past few months. I've been careful. Sometimes my emotions get the better of me, this I know. But after ONE infraction, they don't have the balls to go to someone IN the office to say "hey, Nick has to be careful." No, they put in a formal complaint against me.

Today I had a conversation of what I'd like to do in the future with the company I am with. I mentioned again about being the senior CSA. You know what? I'm now thinking against it. I want to help those that will pull that crap? Nope, I don't think I do. I was told to do for me. That's what I'm going to do.

Next year (a month away) I will be getting in touch with a recruiter who has recently gotten in touch with me. I will have them update my resume and I will be sending it out. No more excuses of "I'm old" or "I have no teeth, so who would want me" or anything like that. It's time for ME. To hell with those that don't even care whose career they may cause turmoil to. And trust me, when I leave (yes, WHEN), this will be said OUT LOUD to my fellow CSA's.