Sunday, December 18, 2011

Sunday Sunday Sunday

Not sure exactly what the hell that means. It's early (before 8am). I have been awake for over an hour. Wife woke up not too long ago, which makes the house real loud immediately. It's amazing. Doesn't matter what she does OUTSIDE the bedroom, it's all loud. Other room? Yeah. Must be me. One of these days maybe I'll learn what to do .

Last night was the team Christmas party from work. I wasn't able to make it. I truly appreciate the fact that the managers do this, they open up one of their homes to allow us in and have a great time. I went last year (Ann wasn't able to go, she was sick) and had a great time. Then again. last year people that I actually liked went. This year, the co-workers are more "clicky" than ever, and the ones that I would have enjoyed hanging out with are either no longer with the company or weren't going. Being the boss "knows how I am" he probably won't say much.

Next week is Christmas. Then my vacation! Woohoo!