Monday, December 12, 2011

Well hello there...

Yes, it's been a few days. Been doing various things, none of which I should be doing. I've been sleeping too much, eating things that should not be part of my diet, and not going to the gym. This past Saturday, I played poker and shouldn't have. Lasted 2 hands and lost. It was a rebuy tournament, which means I could have bought back in, but I decided not to. Instead, I came home, made my grocery list and went shopping.

It's a fairly quiet week at work this week, which is good. It means I can continue to train my new partner and get her used to the perishable business. I am also looking very forward to next year, and all of the potential new items. Please note there is MUCH sarcasm in that last sentence. Actually, I hate being as slow as I am currently, but with a partner it actually makes it tolerable. She's learing fast, and soaking in the information like a sponge. It's great! I owe a lot to my former boss for seeing the potential in her, and knowing that she and I would work well together...especially when I work much better alone more often than not.

Christmas is in 13 days! That means my vacation is in 15 days. I have a 10-day weekend and only have to use 4 days. Thank you weekends and holidays. Actually, will be online both Monday's just to clear a couple of reports, but that's ok because I'm not on vacation those days ! Soooooo, I can't get in trouble !

Hoping 2012 will end up being a better year than 2011. Will see what happens.