Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day...

Thank you to all of the servicemen and servicewomen past and present who have served and protected the United States of America. Today the family and I are going to a ballgame. The weather report states it could rain this afternoon. GOOD! Let it rain on my fucking head. It's been weeks since we've had any measureable rainfall and we need it SO badly! The only saving grace is that the lawn in my backyard doesn't grow much, so easy to mow even after forgetting it was there. Tonight, if it doesn't rain, have to do it one more time though, to make it neat and even. New York in 2 months! Yeah baby! Can't wait. Renting a vehicle and driving up. Going to hit some spots that I've missed (the beach, the park, the old neighborhood). If you are from the area and would like to get together for coffee or dinner at a diner (God I miss those too!) hit me up. If you matter, you already have my phone number.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Not sure...

The past few weeks have been very rough on me, mentally and physically. I am tired, I am drained. I am at a point that I just don't care anymore, about much of anything. I go through the motions but that's about the extent of it. I can't catch a break. Wow, lot of I's in this huh? OK, enough of my pity party. Went to Big Cedar last week with my company. Had to perform "skits" for our brands. Well, long story short, I came out in a robe, and left in a black sleeveless dress and giant balloon boobs. It was fun for awhile, until someone yelled out that I had a "dicky". In a dress, not supposed to have one of those. Fun immediately went to shame, and I refuse to look at most of my co-workers now.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Didn't forget...

Yes, it's been awhile. Work has been beyond nuts. We are down 2 workers, which means we are pulling extra duty. We are having system issues, which ties up a good 2 hours (or more) of my day to work on other things I'm supposed to be doing. I'm STILL trying to figure out what got screwed up by the worker that recently left because he is SO good at bullshitting people to make them think he is such a wonderful worker, and the customer is not very pleased. I had a project taken off my desk, partially because I'm covering extra businesses but also because I was not giving enough attention to the project. Believe me, my intentions on it were good. Unfortunately, trying to assist with the day to day caused me to run out of time. Hell, I worked 13 hours ONE DAY last week to make sure my regular job was caught up. Then, showed BACK up to the office 11 hours later and worked 10 hours. On top of that, the hard drive on my laptop crashed. This meant I had to use a loaner laptop, and had nowhere near the amount of files I needed to do my job. Speaking of my laptop, what a joke that was. I called it in 10 days ago (yes, on a Saturday). I.T. ran a check on my computer and found my hard drive was crashing. He told me someone would be out Monday to take a look at it. Now, I admit I do not know nearly enough about computers that I should. Hell, it was supposed to be my field of expertise when I was younger, but it wasn't (another story for another day). So, on Monday I waited. After about 4 hours, I called the help desk back and was told a hard drive takes 3 days, so I should have it on Thursday. OK! Thursday rolls around, and nothing. So I called the help desk. They tell me the hard drive was shipped and is in Arkansas, so I should get a call shortly. I waited 2 hours, then called the help desk AGAIN! They put me on hold for 10 minutes, then told me a tech would get right back to me. I got a call a few minutes later on my cell phone. Not my WORK phone. It was a tech. I called it back 8 minutes later and got voice mail. I left my WORK number and waited. Two hours later, called again. No answer. Called two hours after that (now 3:15pm), left another voice mail and was not too pleasant (didn't use any bad words). Friday morning, called AGAIN! Called a second time at 11:15. The person who left me the message picked up and was all smiles, saying she was sorry we were playing phone tag! Well, guess what bitch?!? If you would have picked up your fucking phone any of the 5 times I called, it would have saved time. She had the information that I needed a new hard drive since that Monday (mind you, it's now Friday!) but had a bad phone number. Instead of calling the main office number, she decided to wait. Fucking genius. She got the drive done and sent it to me so I received it yesterday (Monday) morning. Now I need a tech. He had NO idea it was to be installed. So at 2pm (being I was leaving on a business trip, getting back about 90 minutes ago), I installed it myself. There are programs not installed, emails missing, and I can't even set up the laptop properly. Note, I am going away next Monday for 4 days, and without my laptop, going to be VERY difficult to work. Needless to say I am fucking pissed!