Sunday, May 20, 2012

Not sure...

The past few weeks have been very rough on me, mentally and physically. I am tired, I am drained. I am at a point that I just don't care anymore, about much of anything. I go through the motions but that's about the extent of it. I can't catch a break. Wow, lot of I's in this huh? OK, enough of my pity party. Went to Big Cedar last week with my company. Had to perform "skits" for our brands. Well, long story short, I came out in a robe, and left in a black sleeveless dress and giant balloon boobs. It was fun for awhile, until someone yelled out that I had a "dicky". In a dress, not supposed to have one of those. Fun immediately went to shame, and I refuse to look at most of my co-workers now.