Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day...

Thank you to all of the servicemen and servicewomen past and present who have served and protected the United States of America. Today the family and I are going to a ballgame. The weather report states it could rain this afternoon. GOOD! Let it rain on my fucking head. It's been weeks since we've had any measureable rainfall and we need it SO badly! The only saving grace is that the lawn in my backyard doesn't grow much, so easy to mow even after forgetting it was there. Tonight, if it doesn't rain, have to do it one more time though, to make it neat and even. New York in 2 months! Yeah baby! Can't wait. Renting a vehicle and driving up. Going to hit some spots that I've missed (the beach, the park, the old neighborhood). If you are from the area and would like to get together for coffee or dinner at a diner (God I miss those too!) hit me up. If you matter, you already have my phone number.