Friday, June 1, 2012

New York!!

God help us all. I am heading home! Yes, you read that correctly. From July 23rd through July 27th, I will be home on Long Island for the second time in 9 years. Once before since moving to Arkansas was I there, but it was for a graduation (I think) so never really had a chance to go anywhere and do all of what I've missed. The flight is booked, hotel and rental car in place. I am looking forward to this trip, but I have some trepidations (does that make sense? who cares!). I know I will be doing some fishing, eating at more than one diner, maybe hit a couple of bars in the Port Jefferson area if they are open. Montauk sounds like a day trip too! Definitely hitting a beach or two at sundown. Hoping to catch up to an old friend or two, but that doesn't seem likely. Ah well, such is life. Can guarantee will not be looking for any family while I'm there. There is one uncle (I think he's still around) that I could contact, but I'd rather not. It's been way too long. Sitting at work this morning, not in the best of moods. My boss offered me the chance to work from home today, but I'm going to pass on that. It's summer time, which means we get "summer hours" each week. These are available provided you make up the hours the rest of the week. However, if there is a day off for a holiday (or vacation) in that week, you are not entitled. Well, Monday was Memorial Day, and I did not work more than a couple of hours (may have only been one!), so will not take advantage of that. If it gets that bad, I will go for a walk around the building. That usually helps some. You know what? I'm alone! You know what else? I'm used to it, and kinda liking it today!