Saturday, June 23, 2012
Where to start...
Well ... work is as good as it's going to get.
It was a decent week at work. I had Friday (yesterday) afternoon off. Had to take Anthony for his driving test (I mentioned he failed the first time, I think). Well, this time he passed. Yay! So we went to where his mom works, got his social security card, and headed the the driver's license office. After an hour wait, found out we needed his birth certificate. Oh hell! So we went home, sat around for a bit, then went back. While there, decided to go to Whole Hog for dinner. So I texted Ann and told her to meet us there after work. We got out at 6, so did she. We got to Whole Hog to find out they had no chicken. Bye! Went to Steak 'N Shake. Yum.
This morning had to be up at 5am as I was a volunteer for the Cancer Challenge event we have yearly in the county. I wound up getting home around 9am, and Ann and I talked about getting her a better car. So we went to the dealership and bought a 2008 Hyundai Accent. She so loves this car! Anthony, in turn, gets the Malibu. All this puts my trip to New York in jeopardy. All going to depend on the money situation when all the insurance and taxes are paid.
In other news, Jerry Sandusky was found guilty on 45 of 48 counts of child sex abuse. I will post here the same thing I posted on Facebook last night...
Rot in hell you fucking sonofabitch!