Sunday, June 17, 2012

No Way Out...

This describes so many things going on in my life right now... (1) The WWE Pay-Per-View I am currently watching (2) My job at my current employer (3 -- Most important!) My trip to New York (1) This is a PPV that I decided to order last minute. Wasn't really sure on it, but I enjoy it, and so does the famiglia, so I figured why not. Not going to watch NBA finals (not a basketball fan!), not watching PGA Championship (Tiger blew it WAY too early today), and have seen every How I Met Your Mother episode. (2) Sometimes the company and the things it puts forward SUCKS! Frustration is setting in something fierce. One of these days, I will get my ass to school so I can start my degree and get the hell out of that place. Decisions that are made (letting people leave, hiring idiots in management positions that have NO idea how to be management, let alone understand ANY of the business they are managing), NOT hiring those that are qualified because of the biggest bullshit excuses they could possibly come up with. (3) 35 1/2 days left until my flight. This is something I am looking forward to more than anyone can imagine. There are things that I want to do, there are things that ... well ... I don't necessarily want to do, but have to do. Thankfully this has to do with places not people. There are those that I would like to see, but I doubt it's going to happen. Too much time has gone by. Well, time for the championship match. TTFN!