Friday, September 13, 2013

Friday the 13th

Usually this is one of my favorite days. While others feel it's a "bad luck" day, I see it as just the opposite. However, this Friday the 13th is the exception. I am in a foul mood, and have been all day. Can't get the stuff I need to do my job. And too many thoughts (and realizations) running through my mind. For starters, I know why my "friend" stopped contacting me. OK, so let me back up a bit. For the past 25 years, I have been viewed as an asshole for my actions. That's fine. It was the proper label. However, I've chnaged. I've proved that. And I was patient. However, someone says something, and instead of being an adult and asking about it, I get ignored. Bad, BAD idea! You see, you have to understand something. I have absolutely nothing to lose. You can say whatever you want about me, feel however you want about me, and THINK you are "ruining my life". However, I'm the one that has plenty of information. What? Your home address. As I said, I have absolutely NOTHING to lose. Everything I've ever had is gone and I'm at a point where I just don't care. Also, you know me well enough that you won't know when it's coming. I tend to plan things out sometimes WAY too much! It could be days, weeks...but neither of you will know what hit you. The other part is I know WHO caused my friend and I to stop communicating. That person is in for one helluva shock too. They think they did good, things are "back to normal". Hahaha! There is another one that will not know what hit them.