Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Just ranting...

It's amazing how so many people can turn their backs on a person, and basically all at the same time. You ask for things, they ignore it. They are not difficult requests. This is job related AND personal related, in case you are wondering. Job related: people don't do their jobs. Then I get to the office early the next morning to make sure things were done, find out they aren't, and they are on bankers hours! WTF!?!? Personal related: someone tells you they care .. BULLSHIT! Job related issues: well, I have to deal with it and use my follow-up skills to make sure things get corrected timely and without errors, because if things don't go right, I get the blame regardless of the "paper trail" Personal related issues: Fuck you! And thank you for reminding me DTA! (Don't Trust ANYONE!)