Thursday, February 20, 2014

So it's a Thursday...

Today has to be the worst of this week...just crazy busy! The entire week has been hell. On Saturday I had grandeur thoughts of going to the casino to play in a poker tournament. That didn't work out. Then I thought about Sunday. Well, I woke up and had a twinge in my back. This is never a good sign, as I know what's coming next. Full blown pain! Sure enough, I went to get out of bed Monday morning and "POP!" went my back. Went to the doctor because it feels like I have C-cup breasts on my lower back (swelling for those of you who couldn't figure that out), and he put me on meds. I thought he may send me for an MRI but being I could walk (albeit using crutches), it's not full blown that I needed it. Well, by yesterday it was so much worse that I actually called and asked for pain pills (he gave me muscle relaxers -- can't relax something you don't have!). Today is a little better, but I'm not chancing it. I move my leg the wrong way the slightest bit and I get shot in the back and down the leg with lightning. Luckily for me, I have been able to work from home. My supervisor and boss understand, and they appreciate the fact that I can sit here at all. I do too, because laying down doesn't help much either. I doze off, then try to roll off my back and YIKES the pain hits again! If I still need a bra for my back next Monday I call the doctor and we go from there. USA vs Canada Women's Hockey at the Olympics in Sochi Russia for the gold medal. USA had a 2-0 lead with 3 and a half minutes remaining in the game. They gave up 2 goals, then lost in overtime. Heartbreaking! Well, that's about it for now. TTFN~!