Sunday, February 2, 2014

What a f***ing day!!

Woke up early, like I always do. The forecast called for snow, but when I woke up, there was no snow. OK, good. Maybe we are not going to get it. There was a chance it would miss us. Ann woke up about 7:30 or so, and she wasn't feeling well. Yesterday she had a low grade fever, yup, she caught the flu. Picked up medicine at the store yesterday, knocked down the fever. So, she took the medication again this morning. I was told there was a poker game this afternoon at 1, I was not sure if I was going to go. About 9am or so (something like that), Ann felt sick and thought she was going to throw up. Anthony went to get her a bucket, but she felt she wasn't able to wait, so she got up quickly to go to the bathroom. As Anthony was coming out of the garage with the bucket, Ann was holding on to the wall, then collapsed. She hit her face on the wall, opening a nice little gash right above her eye, and she was OUT COLD! I called 911, but she refused to go to the hospital by ambulance. They took her pressure, saw it was way low, and left. That's when I noticed it was snowing outside. So, I take Ann to the hospital. We were there about 3 hours. They did a CT scan and an EKG. Thankfully those came back fine. She has the flu, but no influenza. Got her home, put her on the couch, and took the laundry to the laundry-mat to dry the clothes. Finally got home and relaxed about 3pm or so. Watched the Super Bowl tonight. Wow, what a God awful game. Seattle wound up winning 43-8, which I was rooting for Denver. However, I was in a box pool and won the first quarter. Nice $100! Now, Ann is in bed, I am watching TV, and Anthony is checking his page on the computer, then will probably play X-Box before going to bed. What a f***ing day!