It's a normal Wednesday for me. Work is slow (actually it's lunch time, why am I here?), so hopefully going to get to play some cornhole later. It's a great game if you never heard of it. It's like horseshoes, except with beanbags, and boards with a hole instead of posts. It's lots of fun.
Asked my wife if she wanted the quilt on the bed last night. She thought about it, said it would warm her up early, then suffocate her later. So the quilt stayed off. That's OK. Next few days going into the 70's, lows in the 40's, so we'll survive. No snow here!
I should go eat lunch huh? What do I want? I had tuna yesterday, tonight for dinner I don't know what we're having. Chicken sounds good, but I'm kinda in the mood for mexican food. Just nobody here to go with. Could go to the chinese buffet, but rather wait until next week when it's not as warm out and I enjoy the hot food to warm me up inside, make me feel all cozy and cuddly like (yes, I'm nuts!).
Have a great day! TTFN!