Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Welcome one and all....

I don't know why, but here I am. Posting anything and everything that comes to mind. I am sitting at work, it's 3:22 pm, and I am listening to Pandora Radio. The work is done for the day, and I am leaving in 45 minutes to go watch my son run his final cross-country race of the season.

My son is not the best runner on the team, but that's OK. It's his first year. And he's been running 2-miles or more every weekday. I even have him run in the evening when the practices are cancelled in the morning to keep him ready for the race. He likes it, and has not complained at all about having to wake up before 6am to get to practice. In the spring, hopefully he will still enjoy it and join the school track team. He is not good for sprints, but he is good for distance.

Would post more, but not much going on right now. I have a digital camera, so will hopefully get to put some pictures on here. Then you can see who's posting. Of course, then I'll probably lose you as a reader, but hey, I'm willing to risk it. Hopefully you'll like what you read and keep coming back regardless. Until then....

