Just got back from my son, Anthony's, last cross-country meet of 2008. Today was another 2-mile trek, with haybales and logs to go over, hills everywhere, and a number of schools represented. To this point, his best time for a 2-mile course has been 16 minutes 33 seconds. Well, I have to put this in big bold type:
14 minutes 41.6 seconds
Yep! That's my boy. Saves the best for last. I am very proud of him. Now, some would say that 7 minute plus miles are not that great. And under normal circumstances, it isn't. But this child has only been doing this since the start of September. Training every day (except weekends), and has never run distance before. So, for a 14-year old in his first year, that's GREAT!! WOOHOO!!
Now it's time to eat, so going to go. TTFN y'all!