Thursday, July 23, 2009

Back and tired...

Wife and I had a great time yesterday and today at the casino. The room was really nice. Had a king-sized bed so there was no chance of us kicking each other during the night, not that there was much chance of that. But we needed to pole vault to get ONTO the bed. Damn thing was almost 3 feet off the ground. Had to make a running leap to get on the bed. Good thing I didn't do that when I went back to the room at 2:30 am, or I think I would have gone out the window. Had a great time though. We wound up losing, but not nearly as much as we figured. I was also able to pay for the room with cash instead of using the debit card, and we still came home with money. One word of advice though. Do NOT eat at the buffet there. It sucked!

Played a poker tournament last night while we were there. I was card dead to say the least. Tried playing a few semi-decent hands, which was not easy because the players at my table were very aggressive, so had to be careful with hand selection. Finally, made the announcement that when I get my FIRST pair of the tourney (yes, cards were THAT bad!) I was going all in. Well, blinds were 100/200, someone raised to 900, and I went all in with 1700. He asked me if I had the pair, I smiled and said YEP! He had to call, he was committed. I had QQ, he had A-7 suited. Survived the flop, but A hit the turn. I knew. I can't win with QQ. I would say it was fun, but how much fun can you have when you can't win, let alone play.

Wife and I went up to the room for a bit, then she went to sleep and I went back down. Played a cash game for awhile, and after 4 hours of play, wound up ahead for that time period...a whole $2. Was alot of fun though.

Overall, great getaway, looking forward to doing it again soon!