Monday, July 27, 2009

Back to work...

Well, vacation is over. Today I went back to work. And I discovered something rather important. I suck! LOL just kidding. Actually, I was afraid of what I'd find when I got back, because nobody REALLY knows my categories. I did manage to check my email over the weekend and there were no big issues, which was good. But I also figured they were "holding back" until I got back today. Luckily, no issues. WOOHOO! Normally, this would upset me. I figured that my company revolved around me, and if I ever left, the company would go belly up inside of a month. I'm KIDDING! It made me feel good, because now I know I can go on vacation (which is planned again in August, hopefully) and know that when I get back there won't be any crisis issues. Thank you to Lisa for doing good on my categories :)