Realized I haven't posted anything for my faithful readers to browse through (basically meaning ME) so I decided to post today. Yes, I am at work at the moment, but have a little "down time" so figure better to take advantage now rather than later when all my thoughts revolve around "what's for dinner and am I getting any before I go to sleep tonight?" That's pretty much my evening in a nutshell. I was debating on playing poker tonight, but I am going to the casino on Friday for a slot tournament, so I'll just stick around tonight. Also, hopefully the back lawn is getting mowed today, and I want to be able to enjoy it for a night before it grows back nuts again.
Ann and I are going away for a night in a few weeks. It's only about an hour from home, but it is the first time just her and I are going away in a LONG time. Can't wait.
Other than that, absolutely NOTHING going on. Knee is still cracked, but today I am walking without the assistance of my crutch. Figure may as well start seeing if I can. So far so good, but tonight I will probably pay for it. Such is life.
Happy 4th if I don't talk to any of ya (again, meaning me!)