Wednesday, June 24, 2009

nothing in particular...

Haven't said anything in a few days, so I figured what the hell.I didn't go play poker tonight. Thought about it, then remembered my knee STILL hurts. Besides, took a half day off today and went to see Transformers 2. Good movie. Very good actually. Sat a bit close for my liking, but with my crutch by my side, the seat was worth it. No chance of someone trying to come through the aisle and forcing me to move my leg. I used the crutch to prop my leg up, which worked well.

Other than that it's been pretty quiet. Went to Cherokee Friday night, then Downstream Saturday night. Had a MUCH better time Saturday. Was a whim, so nobody knew we were going. Had a blast. It's about an hour drive, but we set the cruise and admired the open area. Much better than NY, or anywhere else I've been. Hate clutter. It sucks! I hate it so much that yesterday coming home from work I took the long way home to enjoy the openness of the area.

Keeping my vacation in October, but not going to my cousin's daughter's wedding (is the punctuation wrong in that sentence? who gives a shit!? I don't!). Decided no for a couple of reasons...(1) it's not cheap. I have to rent a car, stay in a not so cheap hotel for 2 nights, gas, food, gift. (2) I haven't seen family for over 20 years. I would feel out of place, everyone would try to be nice to me, ask me how everything is, etc, but it would be awkward as hell. So, better off not going. Besides, I really don't have too much interest in seeing most of them. There will be an aunt and uncle there who I would love to see, but when you weigh the "pros vs cons" I made the right decision to say no.