Saturday, June 20, 2009

Slow Saturday...

It's one of those days. I am going to stay in the house and rest my knee. Made the mistake yesterday of NOT listening to the doctor and went walking WAY too much without my crutches. Why, you may ask? Because I'm stupid, how's that for a response? Went to the casino last night with my wife, they were giving me free money. Yeah, what a joke that was. Stood in line after line for about an hour to take a frisbee that I apparently wasn't allowed to keep because the girl took it, verified my $49 prize, then put the frisbee out of my reach. What a fucking bitch she was too. Sorry if you don't like your job. You know what? Deal with it or get the fuck out. There are plenty of people who will do it and do it pleasantly. Anyway, had to park REAL far, and walked without my crutch. Halfway through the parking lot, I was already feeling it. Ann was sweet enough to go to the car and get it for me, but the damage was done. I also twisted it twice while sitting (or trying to sit) at a machine. I screamed, people thought I won money, saw the twisted pain in my face, and realized I was hurting so continued to ignore me. I have also learned that this casino SUCKS! Machines do not pay out, dealers at tables laugh at you when THEY win your money, and it was over a 1-hour wait to get on to a poker table. It's a fucking Friday, it's BUSY, and you don't have enough tables AND dealers?? I am going to that casino ONCE MORE in 2 weeks because of a slot tourney, and then I am DONE with them. Missouri casino, congrats. You have just won my business and my money.