Friday, June 12, 2009

What a day...

No I'm not bragging, I'm just very proud of myself for what I did. What am I talking about? Read on McDuff..

Today started like any other normal day. Woke up, showered, dressed, went to work. This week has been a very quiet one considering how the rest of the season has been to this point. I have all of my reports caught up, no promotions to concern myself with (writing-wise I mean), and products overall are doing well. So, when I got to work this morning, I decided to put my name down for summer hours. What this means is that if you put in the hours during the week, you can take 1/2 day off on Friday to enjoy the summer and start the weekend a little early. That was the plan. I went out for a cigarette about 10:15 and noticed it was rather dark out. So I hobbled to my car and closed my car windows. They said it may rain, this time they were right. I left work at 11:45, and it was raining out. At 11:46 I was in my car when the tornado sirens went off. OK, this is interesting. I called home to check on Anthony, he was OK. I put the radio on and of course they broke in with the alerts, and all I heard the entire way home was the weather report. I called home 3x and made sure Anthony had the mattress in the hallway just in case. So I got home, and sure enough, there was SEVERE weather all around. Thunder, lightning, all kinds of shit.

A little while after I got home, I start hearing a dog yelping. It sounded hurt, in pain. I looked out and my neighbor's dog was trying to get through the wood gate. I figured he was scared and yelping because he was trying to get out. I looked a couple of minutes later and the dog was laid flat on the ground, still most in part out of the gate. I realized the gate was closing on his neck. So, I stripped off everything metal, including my leg brace, and ran out to try to help. Long story short, I got the owner's son and we got the dog out and he was fine.

I got back in the house, took off the wet clothes, took a Vicodin, and the doctor called with my test results. Well, boys and girls, I do not have any torn ligaments in my knee. I was kinda hoping I did, so they could do surgery and I'd rehab and be fine in a few weeks. NOPE, didn't tell me that. Told me that I have a hairline fracture on the outside of my knee. No cast is needed, but keep the leg stabilizer on and now I need crutches. I am not allowed to put any weight on my knee. This truly sucks!! Next week I will follow up with an orthopedic surgeon and find out what the next step is. Will try to keep you posted, my faithful reader.