What a week. I went to work Monday and limped around all morning. I had a doctor appointment at 1:45 so I left work early, hooked up my laptop at home, and worked until it was time to go. Ann was off from work that day, so I let her drive. We went to the doctor, he saw my knee was carrying a bowling ball (for those of you too stupid to understand that statement...my knee was swollen to double the normal size), moved my leg around, pushed on the knee (which I don't mind saying hurt like hell!), and told me to go to the hospital for an x-ray to make sure there were no broken bones. I didn't need an x-ray because I knew nothing was broken, but hey, he wrote the prescription for it. He also gave me an anti-inflammatory (my 3d bottle of the same stuff that STILL doesn't seem to be doing anything), more Vicodin (my new best friends), and a prescription for a leg stabilizer (again, for you stupid people, a brace for my leg that will not allow my knee to bend). So we dropped off the scrips at Wal-Mart, got my x-ray, went to 2 medical supply facilities to find the stabilizer, and THEN had to pick Anthony up at school because he missed the bus. Afterwards, Ann dropped me off, we had dinner, then she went and got my meds. That's all Monday.
Tuesday and Wednesday I had training with work. It was interesting. I think I got something out of it (besides a couple of free lunches - which reminds me, who in the HELL puts mustard in tuna salad?!?!? FUCKIN' YUCK!!). Today was back at work per usual. The good thing is that a promo I wrote last week got all of its ship-withs (product to fill the truck) and there do not seem to be any issues. So, I did my morning reports and then did alot of reports that have been "lagging behind" because of the fact that working 11 hours per day is apparently not long enough for me to get ALL of my work done. Also had 2 meetings today, which the second one made me upset. I was late for it. WHY? Well, I'm glad YOU asked. All I got from the one running the meeting was an attitude of "how dare you be late!" and a dirty look. Well, excuse me for putting my JOB and my CUSTOMER first before a bullshit meeting that doesn't mean anything because the person "running" the meeting is going to TELL you what he wants, regardless of whatever suggestions you may make. I kept my mouth shut, but believe me, you do NOT want to be around when my timer expires.
Now I sit with my leg elevated, a pain in my knee, and WAITING and HOPING for a fight in a Stanley Cup Finals hockey game. Good scoring game though. Pittsburgh JUST went up 3-2 with 9:26 left in the 2nd period. I guess I should pay more attention. And I think I will.