Thursday, June 11, 2009


Yesterday is my AWA (alternate work arrangement) day, so I got to work from home. It was the perfect day to do it. Not much going on at work this week in terms of promotions and such, no issues with orders going out, and my knee has been HURTING the past couple of days. I was able to relax, sit on my couch with my leg up when necessary, and enjoyed lunch with my son, where we played Nintendo Wii. Today I had my MRI scheduled for 8:15 and couldn't decide if I was going to start the day working from home and going to the hospital from here, or going to work then going to the hospital (which is 3 minutes from work). I decided to go to work, and what a good decision that was. The only BAD thing was, I brought a change of clothes with me to work because I couldn't have anything metal on. Well, what do you think a zipper is made of, string?? I changed to sweats, no jewelry, no metal. When I got there, I had to change into paper pants and a gown. Oh well, so much for changing. I could have kept on what I had and changed there.

The MRI went great. The x-ray technician was great. She even remembered me from when I went in for my regular x-ray a week and a half ago. So I layed in the bed thing, they put the pads around my knee, gave me earplugs (the MRI is loud!), and in I went. I went right to sleep -- kinda. I zone out, pretty much focus on nothing. The bad thing is when the machine stops making noise and the tech asks "Are you OK in there?" I have to come out of my zone to say "Yes ma'am" then try to go back in before the machine goes loud again. Made it through without any problems though.

Ooooh Jack Russell Hurdle Racing...

Sorry, ADHD kicked in. Where was I? Looking up, my ADHD kicked in at the right time, cuz I was done. Tomorrow is Friday, woohoo! Saturday Anthony is going to a friend's birthday party, Ann will be at work, and I have NO idea what I'm going to do. Normally I would say CASINO but with my knee being fucked up, I doubt that's going to happen. I'll probably come home and watch the College World Series. Arkansas is in, so it would be worth watching, if for no other reason than to keep up with conversations at work next week.

Also, the float trip that I was so looking forward to going on with work, which was scheduled for today but cancelled due to a strong chance of severe weather, was postponed until next week. Makes sense, because today turned out to be nice (at least here anyway). I am not going though. Worried about my knee, so that's keeping me from doing just about everything but walking to the bathroom. Oh, and grocery shopping. I still love doing that.