Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas 2009

Merry Christmas one and all! Miraculously we had a white Christmas this year, as the snow fell overnight. Storybook huh? It isn't much snow .. maybe about an inch? Just looking outside and my car has no snow on it, the driveway is clean, which means no shoveling. Woohoo! We have a turkey in the oven (wife's idea!).

The day went real well here. Anthony and I got Ann a few tops, slipper socks, a skillet (she asked for it!) and the best present of all (in my mind) an Easy Bake Oven. She laughed, but it isn't open yet. I have a feeling it's going into a closet and not seeing the light of day for awhile.

Anthony got an X-Box 360 with most of the trimmings. We got him the wireless connector so he can play on X-Box Live with his friends over the internet. Oh my God, what a disaster that was. Get this crap!! I have a wireless router in my house, and I know for a fact it reaches every room (have laptop, will travel). Well, I get the game system set up in his room, everything plugged in, it all works. Woohoo! OK, now time to set up the internet connector. I plug in the adapter to the system, it blinks, but does not connect. I found out the disc needs to be in to load the software into the system. Long story short (2 hours later) I call X-Box for help. After 20 minutes on hold, I find out the setting for discs was wrong, I reset it, and it worked. STUPID! A 5-minute deal took over 2 hours. What a dolt I felt like!

For me, I got 2 pair of sweats and the George Carlin book. Also, Ann and I bought ourselves a couple of board games that Anthony gave to us so we can enjoy new games as a family. Overall, a great holiday!

Merry Christmas! Now it's time for VACATION!!

Friday, December 18, 2009

What to call this one...

I have one more week of work until vacation! Hopefully the weather is decent. That's the good news in this blog. I hoped to hit a casino but that doesn't look like it will happen. Why, you ask? Well, my 1998 Sunfire, which I bought in August 2007 and gets 28 mpg, and I love, decided to blow a sensor (I don't remember the "technical term" for it) in the transmission and the PART will cost $1,200. That doesn't include labor. The car is not WORTH $1,200. So, it's time to get a new car. I am hoping to get $500 for mine on a trade-in, and that will cover the down payment. Unfortunately still will have to pay the tax on the car. Therefore, the thought of a casino, playing poker, having a good time is out.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Kinda lazy Saturday...

Sitting here watching rasslin' with my son. We tape it and watch it when Mom isn't around. She doesn't watch this one much. Can't much understand why anyone does, but I guess I'm an optimist hoping a show will be decent once. Later on I have to get online for work. Adjustments that I suggested to one of my businesses has been implemented and I have to watch it to make sure everything is right. I'm happy with this one. Now to make sure it's "all good" as the youngins say.

Ann bought me the neck massager last Sunday and I used it as soon as she got home with it. Had it on my neck for about 13 minutes with Shiatzu (sp?) and heat. No pain in my neck since. Migraines have also tapered off some. Best money ever spent! Next is getting my eyes checked. Walmart has a great eye doctor and their prescriptions and frames are not expensive.

Hard to believe Christmas is 2 weeks away. I am excited about it, believe it or not. Possibly because I'm on vacation the week after :) I will monitor emails (otherwise I'll come back to about 700 of them) but that's about it. Plan to be playing some poker, spending some time with Anthony, and making plans for 2010. What plans you ask? Stay tuned. I may tell you. Then again, I may not ;)

Saturday, December 5, 2009


Wish it would snow! It's been cold the past few days, and I mean COLD compared to what we are used to. The normal temperature is around 50, and we've been lucky to hit 40. There was a "threat" of snow the other day, calling from anywhere from a dusting to 7 inches (nice way to pinpoint it, huh?). We didn't see a flake in my neck of the woods. The way I figure it, Anthony and I should be outside playing basketball in shorts on Christmas Day like we have a couple of times before.

I have also been suffering from daily migraines. I can't figure out if it's something in my neck (a disk issue) or I need new eyeglasses. My suggestion to you is buy stock in Advil, because I'm popping them like candy. Hoping for Christmas to get a neck massager (would try to spell the brand, but can't so won't). Saw it in Sam's for around $25, thought about buying it then, but figured it would be easier for Ann if I told her to buy it for me. Unfortunately it means I have to wait another 3 weeks. Take the good with the bad right?

Christmas is 20 days away. Hard to believe. This year went WAY fast! I have been tempted to start shopping, but then the migraine kicks and keeps me on my buttocks on the couch rather than in the car going to the store to shop. Cold weather not helping either. I moved south to get AWAY from the cold. In NY it's about 15 degrees warmer than it is here. What's wrong with THIS picture? Global warming? Not in Arkansas!

Work has been busy. Had a bad Thanksgiving work-wise. Screwed up my schedule (was looking at the wrong calendar) and put too many orders in with the wrong ship dates. I consider myself very fortunate that they did not take that role away from me for Christmas, and this time I double and triple checked everything. It better be much smoother, or I could be in deep "doo-doo"...ok, deep shit!

Good thing I type fast because the migraine is getting worse. Take care all!