Friday, April 9, 2010

2 down...13 to go

Got 2 teeth pulled today. Have to wait on the others until May, though. Too much going on at work for me to take the couple of days to get them pulled and recover. Plus, Ann is going away in a couple of weeks and she & I would both prefer if she was home after I have it done.

Went to the Naturals game last night (thank you Blake!!). We won 5-1, which was great. Anthony and I went to the stadium after he got out of school, and a co-worker and her husband met us there around 6pm (start time for the game). Ann was working so I left her a ticket and she got there around 7:30 or so. It was in the 4th inning when she arrived and the score was 5-1. For those of you who don't pay close attention, that was the FINAL score. Needless to say, she missed just about everything. There were fireworks after the game, which I have to say were better than the last 4th of July at the stadium. My company also has a brand sponsorship in the outfield. They are trying to get it ON the wall, rather than behind it. Still looks great. Also, September 4th, we are sponsoring a t-shirt giveaway for kids. Be sure to join us for that game.

Work has been like a see-saw. Early in the week it's been busy, later in the week rather quiet. I also have not felt like being there most of this week, probably because of the pain in my teeth. Hopefully by Monday the pain I was experiencing this week will be gone, and will stay away long enough for me to get the rest pulled and then I will start feeling better overall.

OK, about my teeth...

Kids, this is what happens when you "give up" on taking care of them. All of my teeth are rotted, all of my teeth are infected, and all of my teeth are prone to abcesses (sp? who cares!). The dentist presented my insurance company with a statement of the cost to have all of them pulled and dentures for me. It usually takes about 4-6 weeks to get approval from the insurance company, which may work out as it will be that long before I can go. In the meantime, I have been on antibiotics for the past 9 days, and have muscle relaxers if the pain becomes too severe. Add to that 4 tubes of Orajel, and maybe I get a good night of sleep.